If you have become acquainted with ZEGG and are thinking about joining, apply for the community course. To participate, you must have a good knowledge of German. The community course takes place every year in March/April. It is a core part of our seminar program and lasts five weeks. Here you will not only experience an intensive time of self-enquiry in a group of committed people, but also a "basic training" in conscious community formation. You will learn tools for dealing with group processes and gain insights into the special community culture of ZEGG.
If you would like to stay further afterwards, the "getting to know phase" begins: At the invitation of the community, you can spend the summer with us as a seasonal worker. You will live and work at ZEGG, get to know different areas of work and take part in the weekly community meetings. In the following winter the mutual process of getting to know each other can deepen.
If you decide to join the community after one year, you can apply as a newcomer. The community decides whether to accept you or not. In the beginner time you have the opportunity to deepen your connections to people, to take care of your financial basis and to put the community (as well as your own motivation) through its paces.
After one year as a beginner, you decide whether you want to become a community member and apply. If you fulfill the financial conditions and the community has a Yes for you, you are a community member "with all rights and duties".