ZEGG – a place for living and learning
Throughout the year, ZEGG offers an abundant selection of training courses, seminars, workshops and festivals:
you can learn about love and relationships, practice new forms of communication, or take another step on your path of personal growth. Events for working guests enable a direct experience of ZEGG as an ecological pioneer project.
All of our seminars and festivals are examples of “small-scale community”, making it possible for you to directly try out a holistic way of living.
Visiting us can change your life.

Friends of GEN - Building the New Normal in ZEGG
We are excited to share a video with you which we produced in cooperation with the Global Ecovillage Network.Ena lives since 2017 here and shares with you what touches her the most about ZEGG, what our communication tool Forum means to her and how it is as a community to be embedded in a bigger network. It's part of the campaign "Friends of GEN - Building the New Normal" which celebrates the many people and ecovillages seeded around the planet who are building their own “new normal” through the very lives they live. See for yourself!

Exploring Alternatives
Some of our visitors use their blogs afterwards to describe ZEGG and their experiences here, Here is one of those articles from early spring (before Corona crisis):

How do we deal with climate crisis?
Annik from our ecological task force wrote an article for the Communities Magazine in the U.S. describing our debates and actions within the community. Communities Mag Article.pdf

New Article about the ZEGG Forum
Our ZEGG Forum is mentioned in the Community Incubator Program (CLIPS) as a ressource for different community methods. And the article is a good summary of what Forum means: https://clips.gen-europe.org/the-forum-truth-trust-transformation-2/