esc logo enDas ZEGG als Sendeorganisation für den European Solidary Corps hat erneut die Möglichkeit junge Menschen (18-30 Jahre) zu einem Projekt nach Spanien zu entsenden. Bitte lest die Projektbeschreibung weiter unten. Ebenso haben wir die Möglichkeit ab März 2020 Menschen nach Schweden in die Gemeinschaft Ängsbacka zu entsenden :-) Bei Interesse meldet euch bei Thomas Heuser, .


The Activities 1 and 2 are mainly characterised by the different locations in which the volunteers will be hosted. The two ecovillages serve as different example of how to design a sustainable communal setting, but they are inherently different. This makes it so interesting to send volunteers to both locations, so that within the same program, they are able to learn in different settings. Activity 1. Ecovillages activities in Arterra will be mainly characterised by volunteers staying in an actual living community.  The volunteers in Activity 2. Ecovillage activities in Sunseed Desert Technology will be staying in a learning center. Although the tasks of the volunteers will be similar, the location, and therefore the experience will be different. Although the tasks of the volunteers will be similar, the location, and therefore the experience will be different. We aim to give the volunteers an as much broad experience of the life in an ecovillage, including them in a wide range of tasks.

Activity 1. Ecovillage activities in Arterra Bizimodu
Planned dates: 01/03/2020 - 31/10/2020
Hosting organisation: Arterra Bizimodu
Supporting organisations: ZEGG Bildungszentrum, Asociacion Red Iberica de Ecoaldeas, Xena, ASOCIATIA ROMANIA IN TRANZITIE, ART
Number of volunteers: 4

Activity 2. Ecovillage activities in Sunseed Desert Technology
Planned dates: 01/05/2020 - 31/10/2020
Hosting organisation: Sunseed Desert Technology
Supporting organisations: ZEGG Bildungszentrum, Romania in Transition
Number of volunteers: 2

- Help design the food garden based on regenerative farming techniques;
- Prepare the soil and plan for the resources needed;
- Plant seeds and manage the crops;
- Crop protection methodologies;
- Soil fertility and biodiversity management
- Harvest the produce and deliver it for consumption to the community;
- Keep a record of key characteristics such as soil quality, weather conditions as well as data about yield;
- Management of the irrigation systems;
- Management and use of mechanical machinery;
- Liaise with other volunteers in order to share results and experiences
- Repairing and restoration with cobblestone floors, making mosaics, painting of walls with eco paint;
- Isolation of heating circuits with bio-construction materials and techniques
- Preparing rooms and meeting spaces for guests

ZEGG – Bildungszentrum gGmbH

Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 89
14806 Bad Belzig

Telefon: +49 (0) 33841 595-100
Telefax: +49 (0) 33841 595-102


Im ZEGG leben 100 Menschen gemeinschaftlich zusammen. Wir sind Modellprojekt für ein sozial und ökologisch innovatives Leben und Wirtschaften. Dabei interessiert uns, wie nachhaltige Entwicklung funktioniert - für jede/n Einzelne/n und für die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Wir legen Augenmerk auf die sozialen, spirituellen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Aspekte dessen, was wir tun.

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