Rundgang mit GMK 3.12 2Recent years have seen the number of residents in our community grow - now our site has grown, too. We have taken the opportunity to purchase 1 ha (2.5 acres) of horticultural land right next to our existing garden.

Last Sunday during a Matinee together with this year's Community Course we took the opportunity to walk the new borders together. Our gardener Axel Lewerenz described the soil conditions of the new plot and explained what they had already achieved (relocating fences, clearing and ploughing) and the plans for the future. Luckily lots of people come and support us by working in the gardens!

ZEGG – Center for Social and Cultural Design

Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 89
14806 Bad Belzig

Telefon: +49 (0) 33841 595-100
fax: +49 (0) 33841 595-102


The ZEGG is a community of about 100 adults and children. How can we create a sustainable and creative life and an awake awareness to promote issues of love and sexuality, ecology, community, and create policy. We invite you to visit us, especially our summercamp.